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游戏详情 Take control of the Gruntz, a lovable and annoying batch of creatures trying to find their way home. After fleeing through a wormhole to avoid an attack by their evil cousins, the Disgruntled, they are stranged in a strange world and have to fight their way back home. 【游戏封面】游戏名称:咕噜一族英文名称:Gruntz 游戏制作:MONOLITH游戏发行:MONOLITH 游戏语种:简体中文版游戏类型:益智 官方网 【08.01.08】[应求][Gruntz][咕噜一族简体中文版][1CD][680M] ,游侠NETSHOW论坛 《咕噜一族》slg 策略游戏。在原本和平的咕噜世界中,咕噜王和他的子民正在广阔的草地上高高兴兴地

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